Estd. 1986
Accredited by NBA & NAAC with 'A' Grade
Oorgaum, Kolar Gold Fields, Karnataka - 563120
Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
Approved by AICTE - New Delhi,
ISO 21001:2018 Certified
Civil Engineering is considered to be the most versatile branch among all the engineering branches. It is the branch with a lot of diversity from geotechnical sciences to structural engineering, environmental to hydraulics, transportation to hydrology; Civil Engineering can be considered as a single largest branch among all the engineering branches.

The Department of Civil Engineering since its formation is committed to research and development in civil engineering. The vision of the department is to give an exposure to budding civil technocrats to various challenges in the profession.
Vision & Mission
To produce competent and skilled civil engineers through quality education for sustainable growth of the society in a built environment.
  • To provide state of the art infrastructure and laboratories with innovative teaching and learning process.
  • To provide solution to Civil Engineering problems through industry institute interaction for sustainable development.
  • To impart soft skills ,leadership qualities, professional ethics and human values to excel in professional life.
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification Ph.D
Specialization Rock Mechanics
Teaching Experience 36 Yrs
Industrial Experience 1 Yr Research Experience 15 Yrs
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals 15 Number of Workshops attended 20
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level 30 Number of Projects Guided at PG Level NIL
Number of Research Scholars guiding 2 Additional Responsibilties Governance, Academics, Admnistration, Admission, NAAC and NBA
Membership in Professional Bodies IEI,MISTE,MIE,FIE Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Sc, Ph.D
Specialization Remote sensing & GIS
Teaching Experience 18 Yrs
Industrial Experience 6 Research Experience 5 Yrs
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals 5 Number of Workshops attended 23
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level 22 Number of Projects Guided at PG Level
Number of Research Scholars guiding Additional Responsibilties ERC -Head, PAC & DAC chairman
Membership in Professional Bodies IAENG,JGSI,MSI Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Tech (Ph.D)
Specialization Geotechnical Engineering
Teaching Experience 8 Yrs
Industrial Experience 3 Research Experience NIL
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals 4 Number of Workshops attended 25
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level 17 Number of Projects Guided at PG Level
Membership in Professional Bodies IEI,IAENG Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Tech
Specialization Structural Engineering
Teaching Experience 6 Yrs
Industrial Experience 1 Research Experience NIL
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals 1 Number of Workshops attended 10
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level 15 Number of Projects Guided at PG Level
Number of Research Scholars guiding Additional Responsibilties Test Coordinator, Mentor Coordinator,Swayam Coordinator, Class teacher, EDC member,ERC Coordinator,UHI Coordinator
Membership in Professional Bodies IAENG Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Tech
Specialization Construction Technology
Teaching Experience 5 Yrs
Industrial Experience 1 Research Experience NIL
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals 1 Number of Workshops attended 10
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level 12 Number of Projects Guided at PG Level
Number of Research Scholars guiding Additional Responsibilties NAAC Coordinator, ISO Coordinator, Timetable coordinator, ERP coordinator PAC member
Membership in Professional Bodies IAENG Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification ME
Specialization Structural Engineering
Teaching Experience 6 Months
Industrial Experience 3 months Research Experience NIL
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals 0 Number of Workshops attended 4
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level 0 Number of Projects Guided at PG Level
Number of Research Scholars guiding Additional Responsibilties VTU Co-ordinator,Result Analysis Coordinator,Cultural Committee Member
Membership in Professional Bodies NILL Google Scholar Link
Program Outcomes (PO)
Graduates will be able to:
  1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
Graduate shall have ability
  • To excel in profession/higher studies/research based on sound knowledge of Mathematics, scientific and engineering principles.
  • To analyze and design Civil Engineering projects with social awareness and responsibilities.
  • To exhibit professionalism, ethical approach, communication skills, team work in their profession and adopt to new technological trends through lifelong learning.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
Graduate will have ability
  1. To design, conduct experiment, analyze and interpret data for the Civil Engineering materials.
  2. To analyse and design problems in transportation engineering cater to the needs of the society.
Advisory Board
Sl NoMember NameDesignation & AddressCommittee Member
1Dr. K.RameshProfessor & HODChairman
2Prof. M.ManeelaAssistant ProfessorConvenor
3Prof. Praveen KAssistant ProfessorMember
4Mr. K.NagarajVice President,Prestigee Group of Constructions,BnagaloreExternal Member
5Dr. R.L.RameshProf. & HOD, Department of Civil Engineering Don BoscoInstitute of Technology ,Bangalore External Member
6Mr. PrabhakaraParentExternal Member
7Mr. John AlumniExternal Member

List of College Toppers

Sl.no Year of Passed Out Name of the Student USN Number Percentage (%)VTU Rank
1 2017-18MALLIKARJUNA P H1GV14CV010 80.05 % -
2 2018-19PRIYANKA P1GV15CV017 8.57 CGPA -
3 2019-20 MASTHANALI M R 1GV16CV012 8.11 CGPA -
4 2020-21 BHUVANESHWARI B 1GV17CV006 8.82 CGPA-
5 2021-22 SWAROOPANANDA N 1GV18CV010 8.04 CGPA-
6 2022-23 Dhanush M 1GV19CV004 8.37 CGPA-

Academic Calendar

Desc Link
4th Sem Click to Download
6th Sem Click to Download
8th Sem Click to Download
2022 SCHEME SYLLABUS Click to Download
2021 SCHEME SYLLABUS Click to Download
2018 SCHEME SYLLABUS Click to Download
2017 SCHEME SYLLABUS Click to Download
2015 SCHEME SYLLABUS Click to Download
Dept HOD
Dr. K. Ramesh

Designation : Professor and HOD
Email Id : [email protected]
Specialization : Remote sensing & GIS
Teaching Experience : 16 Yrs

Newsletter & Magazines
2022-23 Click to View
2021-22 Click to View
2020-21 Click to View
2019-20 Click to View
2018-19 Click to View
2017-18 Click to View
2016-17 Click to View
  1. Teerthanandasagar published paper on “Utilization of Crumb Rubber in Construction of flexible pavement in “International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) Volume 5, Issue 4, November 2018.
  2. Teerthanandasagar published paper on “Utilization of waste materials in flexible pavement construction in “International Research Journal of Engineeringand technology (IJERT) Volume 5,Issue 12,December 2018
  3. M.Maneela, Mahesh P, Manohar M, Srinivas&Rashmi GV published paper on “Compressive strength of fly ash bricks with addition of bagasse ash” in “International Journal of current Engineering & scientific research (IJCESR) Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2019.
  4. Divya K S, Ravikiran S, SadiyaBanu, Swetha G &Vaishnavi Vpublished paper on “Experimental study on the treatment of dairy waste water using low cost natural adsorbents” in “International Journal of current Engineering & scientific research (IJCESR) Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2019
  5. Teerthananda Sagar C S, Kavitha, Sultan &Ashwinipublished paper on “Experimental investigation on partially replacement of bitumen with waste materials for flexible pavement construction” in “International Journal of current Engineering &scientific research (IJCESR) Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2019.
  6. Silviya L, Priyanka P, Murali, Krishnegowda&SuchandraPradanpublished paper on “Stabilization of black cotton soil using rice husk ash and crumb rubber” in “International Journal of current Engineering & scientific research (IJCESR) Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2019
  7. Teerthananda Sagar C S, Sandya H R, Pooja G, Ravikiran M &Arun Kumar M published paper on “Experimental Investigation on HDPE & PET in construction of bituminous Pavement (Surface Course)” in “International Research Journal of Engineering & Technology (IRJET)Volume 6,Issue 6,June 2019
  8. Teerthananda Sagar C S, Yashaswini M S, Nikil V, Ravichandra N, &Archita N Published paper on “Experimental Study on Bituminous Mix using LDPE, Crumb Rubber and Mild Steel Chips in the Construction of Flexible Pavement “in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology”(IJERT)Volume 8,Issue 6, June 2019.
  9. M.Maneela, Ajith Kumar B, John Simson J , Sampras Stanley R, Thilak Balakumar M published paper on “ Storm Water Harvesting in Urban Pavements by using Pervious Concrete” in “ Institute for Research and Development India: Volume 8 Issue 8 2020.
  10. Manjunatha Singh , Chandrakala R , Prashanth P , Salma Begum K, Saurav Chettri published paper on “ Experimental study of strength Characteristics on Self Compacting Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cementitious Products” in “ Institute for Research and Development India: Volume 8 Issue 8 2020.
  11. Pooja M, Kishore Kumar , Sachin L, Vineeth A, Chakravarthy J published paper on “ Safety on Roads under Low Visibility ” in “ Institute for Research and Development India: Volume 8 Issue 8 2020.
  12. Prof.Sonamma ,Prof.Maneela,Mr.Pawan Sai,Mr.Mukul Krishna, Mr.Manoah Gladwin & Mr.Vinay M Gowda published a Paper titled “Analysis and Design of Tall Building “in Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal IISN: 2319-4979.
  13. Dr.Syed Ariff, Prof.Maneela, Prof. Shashi Kumar V N, Prof.Smruthi Kirana M D published a Paper titled “Structural Analysis and Design of Intergenerational Center” in International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science(IRJMETS).
  14. Prof. Maneela , Dr.Syed Ariff, Prof. Shashi Kumar V N, Mr.Jayanth M published a Paper titled “Spatial & Structural design of Anganwadi Center using ETABS and Sketch Up” in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research(IJFMR).
  15. Dr. Bharath M & Prof. Smruthi Kirana M D presented a technical paper entitled “Comparatitive Study of Electro Cooagulation process on Land fill leachate using Optimization Technique in the “National Conference on Recent Multidisciplinary Research in Civil Engineering” held on 1st & 2nd June 2023 organized by Department of Civil engineering in association with ACES and DBIT ICI-Student chapter at Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
  16. Dr. Bharath M presented a research article (oral) in Second International Conference on Advanced Materials for Health, Energy and Environment organized by Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology, Environmental Engineering, Polymer Science & Technology from 28.02.23 to 02.03.23.
  17. Prof. Shashi Kumar V N published a Paper titled “Study on Durability Properties of Self Compacting Concrete made with M-sand and Fly Ash” under Civil Engineering track during 5th International Conference on Recent Trends in Technology, Engineering and Applied Science (ICRTTEAS-2023) held on 19.05.23 to 20.05.23
Student Achievements
  1. Prof.Teerthananda sagar published paper on “Utilization of Crumb Rubber in Construction of flexible pavement in “International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews(IJRAR)Volume 5,Issue 4,November 2018.
  2. Prof.Teerthananda sagar published paper on “Utilization of waste materials in flexible pavement construction in “International Research Journal of Engineering and technology (IJERT) Volume 5,Issue 12,December 2018.
  3. M.Maneela and Divya K S participated in poster presentation in National seminar conducted by GSI & Mining Dept in Dr.TTIT,KGF from Feb 15th to F M.Maneela, Mahesh P, Manohar M, Srinivas&Rashmi GV published paper on “Compressive strength of fly ash bricks with addition of bagasse ash” in “International Journal of current Engineering & scientific research (IJCESR) Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2019
  4. Divya K S,Ravikiran S, SadiyaBanu, Swetha G &Vaishnavi Vpublished paper on “Experimental study on the treatment of dairy waste water using low cost natural adsorbents” in “International Journal of current Engineering &scientific research (IJCESR) Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2019
  5. TeerthanandaSagar C S, Kavitha,Sultan &Ashwinipresented & published published paper on “Experimental investigation on partially replacement of bitumen with waste materials for flexible pavement construction” in “International Journal of current Engineering &scientific research (IJCESR) Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2019.
  6. Receiving best paper award.
  7. Silviya L, Priyanka P, Murali, Krishnegowda & Suchandra Pradan published paper on “Stabilization of black cotton soil using rice husk ash and crumb rubber” in “International Journal of current Engineering &scientific research (IJCESR) Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2019
  8. Teerthananda Sagar C S,Sandya H R, Pooja G, Ravikiran M &Arun Kumar M published paper on “Experimental Investigation on HDPE & PET in construction of bituminous Pavement (Surface Course)” in “International Research Journal of Engineering & Technology (IRJET)Volume 6,Issue 6,June 2019
  9. Teerthananda Sagar C S,Yashaswini M S, Nikil V, Ravichandra N, &Archita NPublished paper on “Experimental Study on Bituminous Mix using LDPE, Crumb Rubber and Mild Steel Chips in the Construction of Flexible Pavement “inInternational Journal of Engineering Research & Technology”(IJERT)Volume 8,Issue 6, June 2019
  10. M.Maneela, Ajith Kumar B, John Simson J , Sampras Stanley R, Thilak Balakumar M published paper on “ Storm Water Harvesting in Urban Pavements by using Pervious Concrete” in “ Institute for Research and Development India: Volume 8 Issue 8 2020.
  11. Manjunatha Singh , Chandrakala R , Prashanth P , Salma Begum K, Saurav Chettri published paper on “ Experimental study of strength Characteristics on Self Compacting Concrete by Partial Replacement of Cementitious Products” in “ Institute for Research and Development India: Volume 8 Issue 8 2020.
  12. Pooja M, Kishore Kumar , Sachin L, Vineeth A, Chakravarthy J published paper on “ Safety on Roads under Low Visibility ” in “ Institute for Research and Development India: Volume 8 Issue 8 2020.
  Concrete and Highway Material Testing Laboratory
  1. Vicat Needle apparatus
  2. Autoclave apparatus
  3. Lechatliers apparatus
  4. Blains Air Permeability Apparatus
  5. Aggregate Impact Apparatus
  6. Aggregate Crushing Apparatus
  7. Los Angles Apparatus
  8. Length and Thickness Gauge Apparatus
  9. Compaction Factor Apparatus
  10. Slump cone Apparatus
  11. Flexural Test Apparatus
  12. Vee Bee Consistometer Apparatus
  13. Flash and Fire Point Apparatus
  14. CBR Apparatus
  15. Tar Viscometer
  16. Marshal Stability Testing Apparatus
  17. Ductility Test
  18. Ring & Ball Apparatus

Lab Incharge: Sri. M.B. Murali krishna

Faculty Incharge: Mr. Praveen K.

  Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines Laboratory
  1. Impact of Jet Apparatus
  2. FlowmeasuringDevices(Orificemeter,Venturimeter,V/Rectangular Notch)
  3. HydraulicTurbineApparatus(PeltonWheel,FrancisTurbine, Kaplan Turbine)
  4. Hydraulic Pumps ( Centrifugal Pump, Reciprocating pump )
  5. Two Stage Reciprocation air Compressor test Rig
  6. Pipe Friction Apparatus

Staff Incharge:Sri. T D Govindappa

Faculty Incharge: Ms. Shilpa R.

  Geotechnical Engineering laboratory
  1. Direct shear test apparatus
  2. Triaxial shear test apparatus
  3. Hydrometer test
  4. Unconfined Compression test
  5. Permeability apparatus
  6. Compaction apparatus
  7. Shrinkage limit apparatus
  8. Liquid limit apparatus
  9. Consolidation apparatus
  10. Augers Apparatus
  11. Vane shear apparatues
  12. Digital sieve shaker

Staff Incharge:Sri. M.B. Murali krishna

Faculty Incharge: Mrs. M. Maneela

  Basic Surveying Practice
  1. Total Station
  2. Lab Incharge : Sri. D. Auron
  3. Faculty Incharge: Ms. Kavitha V.
  4. Basic Surveying Practice
  5. Hand level
  6. Plane table with accessories
  7. leveling staff
  8. Optical square
  9. Pantograph
  10. Chain
  11. Prismatic Compass
  12. Surveyor’s Compass
  13. Ceylon Ghat tracer
  14. Box sextant
  15. Theodolite
  16. Dumpy level

Staff Incharge:Sri. D. Auron

Faculty Incharge: Ms. Kavitha V



Dept Activities

Workshop : Design & detailing of RCC Structures

Dr.T.Thimmaiah Institute of Technology, KGF conducted Five Days Workshop on “An Overview of Design & detailing of RCC Structures” from 15.12.2022 to 19.12.2022 by Mr.Siva Rami Reddy Director, Gambrel Engineers LLP, Hyderabad.

Student achievement

Congratulations to Ms. Swaroop Rani, 5th Sem, Civil Engineering who won 1st and 2nd prizes in extempore and group discussion events respectively, during the Vigilance Awareness Week Programme conducted by BEML Ltd. KGF on 12th November 2022. She received Prizes from Mr. Shanthanu Roy, Executive Director, BEML Ltd.

workshop on "Overview of Design & Detailing of RCC Structures"

Five Days workshop on "Overview of Design & Detailing of RCC Structures was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering from 15.12.22 to 19.12.22.in association with IEI Kolar , ICI Bangalore & the Ramco Cement Ltd by Mr.G.Siva Rami Reddy, Director Gambrel Engineers LLP, Proddutur, Andhra Pradesh. This workshop covered major areas of Civil Engineering like Structural Designs, Rebar Detailing, Estimation and Costing Techniques, Field visits to avoid common errors in construction, Construction Stages and Equipment used.
This workshop imparted practical knowledge to the students and made them aware of the opportunities in it. Many complex calculations were taught in a simple way.
The workshop was coordinated by Prof. M. Maneela Associate Professor, & Dr. Bharath Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil engineering, Dr.TTIT, KGF.

Industrial Visit to Kolar on 03.12.22

Seminar on "How to publish a research paper at UG Level"

Department of Civil,EEE & Mechanical Engineering Conducted One day Seminar on "How to Publish a Research Paper at UG Level" at Mechanical Seminar hall,Dr.TTIT on 16.10.2024 .Prof.Shashi Kumar V N ,Assistant Professor,Department of Civil Engineering ,Vemana Institute of Technology was the Session Speaker .
The session was highly informative and well-structured. It covered key aspects like topic selection, writing techniques, journal selection, and handling peer reviews. The presenter communicated effectively, and the Q&A session was helpful.

Prof.M.Maneela ,Department of Civil Engineering coordinated.

Lesson plan & Learning Resources
earning resources
Civil Dept Lesson Plans Click Here
Civil Dept Learning Resources Click Here
Oorgaum, Kolar Gold Fields, Karnataka - 563120
(Affiliated to VTU, Belgaum, Approved by AICTE - New Delhi)
An ISO 21001 Certified Institute