Estd. 1986
Accredited by NBA & NAAC with 'A' Grade
Oorgaum, Kolar Gold Fields, Karnataka - 563120
Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
Approved by AICTE - New Delhi,
ISO 21001:2018 Certified
  Mechanical Engineering is one of the core engineering disciplines that provides quality education on various applications, enabling students to understand and address several industrial aspects. Since many components across different fields require manufacturing, mechanical engineering plays a vital role in any era.

  The highlight of our department at Dr. TTIT includes excellent placement opportunities, experienced faculty, an effective teaching-learning environment, and well-equipped laboratory facilities. Students are encouraged to work in teams for project work, which involves material selection, design, fabrication, and development. They are also encouraged to explore and develop their own start-ups, potentially creating internship and job opportunities for themselves and others.

  The department motivates both students and faculty to participate in various programs (software training, hands-on workshops, technical events, seminars, and industrial visits) that help develop analytical and practical skills, which can be applied to real-world problems.

Vision & Mission
To transform students into technically competent Mechanical Engineers nurturing them in learning sustainable and innovative technology with professional ethics and social concern.
M1: Striving to empower students with fundamentals in the field of Mechanical Engineering with innovative, managerial and professional skills.
M2: To create an environment for progressive learning through industry–institute partnership.
M3: Imparting quality technical education stressing on new technology with professional ethics for the benefit of the society.
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected] / [email protected]
Qualification M.Tech, Ph.D
Specialization Machining of Materials
Teaching Experience 17 Yrs
Industrial Experience 1 Yr Research Experience 5 Yrs
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals 32 Number of Workshops attended 16
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level 17 Number of Projects Guided at PG Level 8
Number of Research Scholars guiding 2 Additional Responsibilties Overall UG Programme Coordinator & Administration
Membership in Professional Bodies MISTE, MIE, IAENG Google Scholar Link https://tinyurl.com/3vm72nks
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Tech., Ph.D
Specialization Engineering Management
Teaching Experience 20 Yrs
Industrial Experience 9 Yrs Research Experience 6 Yrs
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals 13 Number of Workshops attended 8
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level 18 Number of Projects Guided at PG Level 4
Number of Research Scholars guiding 3 Additional Responsibilties Vice principal, President- institution’s innovative council, Head for Purchase and Stores, and Head for R&D Center (Mechanical).
Membership in Professional Bodies MISTE,MIE,FIETE Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Tech., Ph.D
Specialization Production Engineering & Systems Technology
Teaching Experience 22 Yrs
Industrial Experience Nil Research Experience Nil
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals 5 Number of Workshops attended 16
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level 18 Number of Projects Guided at PG Level 2
Number of Research Scholars guiding Nil Additional Responsibilties VTU MOOC Cordinator Hon. Chairman – IEI – KLC.
Membership in Professional Bodies MISTE, FIE,FIIPE Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Tech, Ph.D
Specialization Tribology in MEMS
Teaching Experience 20 Yrs
Industrial Experience 1 Yr Research Experience 6 Yrs
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals 22 Number of Workshops attended 12
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level 22 Number of Projects Guided at PG Level 10
Number of Research Scholars guiding Nil Additional Responsibilties Head - Student Welfare (Admission & Sports), Hon. Secretary – IEI KLC.
Membership in Professional Bodies MIE, C-Eng Google Scholar Link https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=nnGXAGAAAAAJ&hl=en
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Tech, (Ph.D)
Specialization Thermal Power Engineering
Teaching Experience 19 Yrs
Industrial Experience 1 Yr Research Experience 7 Yrs
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals 4 Number of Workshops attended 8
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level 15 Number of Projects Guided at PG Level Nil
Number of Research Scholars guiding Nil Additional Responsibilties IQAC Coordinator, Alumni Coordinator, ISHRAE Student Chapter
Membership in Professional Bodies MIE, ISHRAE Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Tech, Ph.D
Specialization Tool Engineering
Teaching Experience 12 Yrs
Industrial Experience 2.4 Yrs Research Experience 9 Yrs
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals 7 Number of Workshops attended 8
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level 10 Number of Projects Guided at PG Level 2
Number of Research Scholars guiding Nil Additional Responsibilties NBA coordinator, EDC Convener, VTU Prexam Coordinator, Bill Forge Skill Lab Coordinator
Membership in Professional Bodies AMIE Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Tech, (Ph.D)
Specialization Production Engineering & Systems Technology
Teaching Experience 11 Yrs
Industrial Experience Nil Research Experience 3 Yrs
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals 4 Number of Workshops attended 6
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level 9 Number of Projects Guided at PG Level Nil
Number of Research Scholars guiding Nil Additional Responsibilties BIRDC Coordinator, Stores In-charge
Membership in Professional Bodies AMIE Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Tech, Ph.D
Specialization Machine Design
Teaching Experience 5.5 Yrs
Industrial Experience Nil Research Experience Nil
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals 3 Number of Workshops attended 2
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level 5 Number of Projects Guided at PG Level 1
Number of Research Scholars guiding Nil Additional Responsibilties NIRF Coordinator, Student Club Coordinator, IQAC Core Committee Member, Department Admission Coordinator.
Membership in Professional Bodies Nil Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Tech
Specialization Aeronautical Engineering
Teaching Experience 3 Yrs
Industrial Experience 3 Yrs Research Experience Nil
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals 1 Number of Workshops attended 1
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level 2 Number of Projects Guided at PG Level Nil
Number of Research Scholars guiding Nil Additional Responsibilties AICTE EAPAD Coordinator, NSS Coordinator, UHV Coordinator
Membership in Professional Bodies Nil Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Tech
Specialization Production Engineering & Systems Technology
Teaching Experience 7 Yrs
Industrial Experience 1.8 Yrs Research Experience 2 Yrs
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals Nil Number of Workshops attended 6
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level 4 Number of Projects Guided at PG Level Nil
Number of Research Scholars guiding Nil Additional Responsibilties IPR, ISO, NPTEL Coordinator
Membership in Professional Bodies IAENG, AMIE Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Tech, Ph.D
Specialization Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Teaching Experience 11 Yrs
Industrial Experience 1 Yr Research Experience 2 Yrs
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals 3 Number of Workshops attended 1
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level 6 Number of Projects Guided at PG Level Nil
Number of Research Scholars guiding Nil Additional Responsibilties Placement Coordinator
Membership in Professional Bodies IAENG Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Tech., Ph.D
Specialization Industrial Refrigeration & Cryogenic Engineering
Teaching Experience 35 Yrs
Industrial Experience Nil Research Experience 7 Yrs
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals 10 Number of Workshops attended 8
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level 30 Number of Projects Guided at PG Level 2
Number of Research Scholars guiding 3 Additional Responsibilties Chief NBA coordinator, IIC Ambassador
Membership in Professional Bodies MISTE and FIE Google Scholar Link
Program Outcomes (PO)
Graduates will be able to:
  1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
PEO1: Graduates will have successful professional careers in the industry, adapting to evolving needs with their strong foundation in science and engineering principles.
PEO2: Graduates will engage in higher studies and professional development, demonstrating innovation and research capabilities in solving real-world problems while being aware of their societal impact.
PEO3: Graduates will exhibit leadership, professional ethics, effective communication skills, teamwork, and a commitment to lifelong learning.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
PSO1 : Design and develop components or systems in the field of Mechanical Engineering.
PSO2 : Ability to design components or processes in the areas of Mechanical Engineering.

Advisory Board
Department Advisory Committee (DAC)
SlNoMember NameDesignation & AddressCommittee Member
1 Dr. Manjunatha Babu. N. S Associate Professor & Head Chairman
2 Dr. P. D. Sudersanan Professor & Head – Accreditation and Ranking Member
3 Dr. H. G. Shenoy Professor & Vice Principal Member
4 Dr. K. Mohan Kumar Associate Professor Convener
5 Dr. Aprameyan.S Professor & Head, Dept of Mechanical Engg, CBIT – Kolar Member
6 Mr. Sreenivas Babu Team Lead,Accenture - Bengaluru Member
7 Mr. Saravanan B. N Global Simulation Owner – 201U,TCS (General Motors Technical Centre) - Bengaluru Member
8 Mr. Nagalingeshwara V. Technical Lead, Quest Global Engineering Services Pvt Ltd- Bengaluru Member
9 Mr. Jeyakumar S Assistant General Manager, R & D, BEML Ltd – KGF. Member

Program Assessment Committee (PAC)

SlNoMember NameDesignationCommittee Member
1Dr. Manjunatha Babu N S Associate Professor & Head Chairman
2Dr. P. D. Sudersanan Professor & Head – Accreditation and RankingMember
3Dr. H. G. Shenoy Professor & Vice Principal Member
4Dr. Narasimha C Associate Professor Member
5Dr. K. Mohan Kumar Associate Professor Member
6Dr. Sampath A Assistant Professor Convener
7Prof. Anitha Devi S H Assistant Professor Member
352023 – 2024 SRIKANTH K N 1GV20ME010 68.8 --------
342022 – 2023 AJAY KUMAR K 1GV19ME001 82.5 --------
332021 – 2022 KARTHIKEYAN V 1GV19ME415 86.9 IV RANK
322020 - 2021 MATHEW SUSHIL 1GV18ME408 80.2 --------
312019 - 2020 SWETHA P 1GV16ME043 72.13 --------
302018 - 2019 JAI ASHWIN KUMAR B 1GV15ME016 75.33 --------
292017 - 2018 DIVAKAR. I 1GV15ME401 77.59 --------
282016 - 2017 N. MOHANAMBIKA 1GV13ME039 77.6 --------
272015 - 2016 VARUN. G 1GV12ME015 77.71 --------
262014 - 2015 DHANUSH.N 1GV11ME008 74.93 --------
252013 - 2014 MOHAMMED ILIYAS 1GV10ME032 80.26 --------
242012 - 2013 AMITH MANJUNATH. B 1GV09ME006 82.53 IX RANK
232011 - 2012 SYEEDA SAMEERA. R 1GV08ME069 77.42 --------
222010 - 2011 SOWMYA. A. V 1GV07ME062 78.43 --------
212009 - 2010 ANAND KUMAR. K. V 1GV07ME402 77.45 --------
202008 - 2009 SRINIVASAN. P 1GV05ME046 75.82 --------
192007 - 2008 MURALI KRISHNA. R 1GV04ME032 79 --------
182006 - 2007 SANTOSH. T 1GV03ME049 81.95 VII RANK
172005 - 2006 VEERESH. S 1GV02ME070 74.46 --------
162004 - 2005 KESHAV. S 1GV01ME018 84.82 II RANK
152003 - 2004 SANDEEP. M. S 1GV00ME049 84.14 --------
142002 - 2003 SRIPRIYA. N 1GV99ME064 89.38 --------
132001 - 2002 SRIVATSA. D. S 1GV98ME047 87.85 --------
12 2000 - 2001 JOY DEEPAK LOBO 97GREM1018 85 --------
11 1999 - 2000RAJANIKANTH. B 96GREM1044 82.3--------
10 1998 - 1999DEVARAJ. K 95RB01285.3VII RANK
9 1997 - 1998SANTOSH. C 94RB04182.3--------
8 1996 - 1997SHASIDHAR. N 93RB054 90.5 I RANK
7 1995 - 1996SHIVA RAMA KRISHNA. E. S 92RB05084.2 V RANK
6 1994 - 1995VENKATA CHALAM. K. K 91RB05875.21--------
5 1993 - 1994SATISH. S 90RB040 72.39 --------
4 1992 - 1993NAGARAJ VISHNU NAIK 89RB026 79.57 II RANK
3 1991 - 1992SURESH. S 88RB056 74.44 --------
2 1990 - 1991ARUL KUMAR R. K 87RB003 70 --------
1 1989 - 1990AMBAT DINESH PREM CHANDRAN 86RB004 67.35 --------

Academic Calendar

UG Programme
2015 Scheme Click to View
2017 Scheme Click to View
2018 Scheme Click to View
2021 Scheme Click to View
2022 Scheme Click to View
Dept. HOD
Dr. Manjunatha Babu N S

Designation : Associate Professor and HOD
Email Id : [email protected]
Specialization : Machine Management
Teaching Experience : 14 Yrs

Newsletters & Magazines
2020-21 Click to View
2019-20 Click to View
2018-19 Click to View
2017-18 Click to View
2016-17 Click to View
2015-16 Click to View
Papers Published / Presented
  1. Dr. P D Sudersanan. et. al., “A Comprehensive Review of Novelty of Friction Stir Welding of Aluminium-Magnesium Alloys For Advanced Engineering Applications”., Journal of Thin Films, Coating Science Technology and Application, 2018.
  2. Mohan Kumar K, Manjunatha Babu N S, et. al., Structural Analysis of GFRP and CFRP as suspension for Automotive Application”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2018.
  3. Balasubramaniam N S., Dr. P D Sudersanan., Dr. H G Shenoy. et. al., presented a paper on “Compact test on duplex stainless steel” in International Conference on Recent Engineering Science. SKIT Bengaluru, 2018, and got published in IJIRSET.
  4. Mohan Kumar. K. et. al. presented a paper on “Tribology of Silicon Surface: a review” at IConAMMA 2017, Amrita University Bengaluru., and got published in scopus indexed journal of Materials Today proceedings of Elsevier publications.
  5. Dr P D Sudersanan. et. al., Mechanical and Thermal Characterization of Friction Stir Weld Joints of Al-Mg Alloy”, International Journal of Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering, 2017.
  6. Manjunatha Babu N S., et. al. published a journal on “Evaluation of Mechanical Properties and Experimental Investigation on Thrust force-Torque during drilling of Hybrid Carbon-Glass fiber fabric laminates” in scopus indexed journal of Taylor & Francis Publications.
  7. Sampath A. et. al., published a journal on “Prototype designing of coin based sensing water filling system” in international journal of engineering research and technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181.
  8. Manjunatha Babu N.S, Mohan Kumar K, et .al., “Impact Analysis of Toyota land Cruiser car bumper using ANSYS Autodyn 3D"., International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering., 4(12), 2017.
  9. Manjunatha Babu N.S, Mohan Kumar K, et .al., "Design & FE Analysis of Heart valve for closure of Atrial septal defect in Heart"., International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engg., 4(12), 2017.
  10. Pruthvi H M., Dr. H G Shenoy published a journal on “Evaluation of hardness and compression properties of Aluminium alloy using Taguchi optimization technique”, in international journal for research in applied science & Engineering Technology, Vol 5, Issue VIII, August 2017.
  11. Mohan Kumar. K, Manjunatha Babu. N.S, et .al., "Design & FEM Analysis of Hip implant for Walking and Running loading conditions., International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, Thomson Reutors Endnote., 2017.
  12. Manjunatha Babu N.S, Mohan Kumar K, et .al., “Design & FE Analysis of Hybrid composite Motor cycle Helmet"., International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering., 5(01), 2018.
  13. Manjunatha Babu. N. S, Mohan Kumar. K, et .al., “Design and Fem Analysis of Car Alloy Wheel” International Journal of Engineering Research & Application, 6(12): 2016
  14. Dr. H.G. Shenoy. et. al., "Evaluation of wear properties of AL-Mg-Si based hybrid composite in different ageing conditions and predicting using ANN” in International Journal of Material Science and Technology,(IJMST), vol 6,PP1-11,2016.
  15. Manjunatha Babu. N. S, Mohan Kumar. K, et. al., “Linear Static Analysis of Wind Turbine Blade Using Fe Modelling.” International Journal of Advanced Research, 4(12):933-938, 2016.
  16. Kausar Sultana. E, Manjunatha Babu. N. S, Mohan Kumar. K, et. al., “Structural Analysis of Nano Composites Using Fe-Modelling” International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 7(5) 01–08, 2016
  17. Kausar Sultana. E., Manjunatha Babu. N.S. and Mohan Kumar. K, “Structural Analysis of Nano Composites using FE-Modeling under Flexural Load” International Journal for Research in Applied Sc & Engg Tech, Vol 4, 2016.
  18. Manjunatha Babu. N.S, Mohan Kumar. K. et. al, “Deflection and Stress Study of Laminated Composite with Multiple Holes Under Bending Load by FEA” International Journal of Advanced Research, 4(11), 1634-1641, 2016
  19. Manjunatha Babu. N.S and Mohan Kumar. K, et. al., “Stress Concentration Study of Laminated Composite with Multiple Holes by Finite Element Analysis” American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER), Volume-5, Issue-10, pp-238-243, 2016.
  20. Dr P D Sudersanan & B N Manjunath., “Experimental Analysis of Heat Sink and Optimizing the Fin Height using Ansys”, International Journal of Scientific Progress and Research, 2015.

Workshops Attended
  1. Dr. Narasimha C, Associate professor, attended Two Weeks workshop on “Biodegradable Green and nano-composites for industrial applications” from 20th Oct to 2nd Nov 2017 at Sri SaiRam institute of technology Chennai, Tamilnadu.
  2. Dr. Narasimha C, Associate professor, attended Two weeks FDP on “Finite element method and Stress Analysis” from 22nd Jan to 3rd 2018 Feb at Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
  3. Mr. Preetham T & Mr. Thontaraj URS, Assistant Professor attended two days national level workshop on advanced technology in thermal engineering at Ekalavya institute of technology - Chamarajanagar in association with VTU belgavi.
  4. Dr. Narasimha C ,Associate professor, attended Three days FDP on” Machine learning using Python (Hands on training)” from 21st to 23rd June 2018 at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering college, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.
  5. Mr. Shrinivas A, Assistant Professor, Attended a one day workshop on “AICTE approval process for the year 2016-2017” on 12th sep 2015 at central college, Bangalore.
  6. Mr. Balaji Rao K and Mr. Deepak G, Asst. Professors Attended One day Seminar on "Mechanical System using MATLAB and Simulation” at Chennai, on 3rd Feb 2016.
  7. Dr. H. G. Shenoy, Professor and Mr. Sampath A, Assistant Professor attended two days state level workshop on “Outcomes based education: teaching, Learning and Evaluation” on the 15th & 16th Feb 2016at BMSCE, Bangalore.
  8. Mr. Mohan Kumar K., Associate Professor, Participated in STTP on Nano-manufacturing & Nanotechnology, from 21-25 Dec 2015 at Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology - Bhopal, MP – India.
  9. Mr. Mohan Kumar, Associate Professor, Attended two day Workshop on “Self Assembled Monolayers” on 27th and 28th Nov 2015 at NIT, Thiruchirapalli, TN.
Student Achievements
 Academic Year : 2023 - 24
  • Five Days Hands on workshop on Applications of Advanced IOT towards unleashing Job Opportunities was conducted for the students of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering from 19 th to 23 rd Feb 2024 in association with GenEd Technologies, Bangalore.
  • 8th Semester Mechanical Engineering Students have undergone Placement & Training Programme on “HVAC Design” from 26th March 2024 to 26th April 2024 organized by Placement Cell, Dr TTIT – KGF.
  • Mr. Yuvaraj, student of 3rd year has won the winner’s prize in kabaddi tournament held at Dr TTIT – KGF.
  • Mr. Yuvaraj, student of 3rd year has won the runner prize in inter branch cricket tournament held at Dr TTIT – KGF.
  • Mr. Yuvaraj, student of 3rd year has won the man of the match prize in VTU south zone inter college cricket tournament.
  • Mr. Darshan, student of 3rd year has won the man of the match prize in inter branch cricket tournament.
  • Mr. Rohith Kumar P, student of 3rd year has won the runner prize in volley ball tournament held at Dr TTIT – KGF
  • Mr. Girish Gowtham, student of final year has attended a 2-day placement preparation program on 2nd & 3rd October 2023 organized by IIP in association with Abhyuday IIT Bombay.
  • Mr. Badhrinath R, Mr. Merveen D, Mr. Praveen V, Mr. Vijay S, Students of 8 th Semester, under the Guidance of Prof. Sagar has received a best project award on participating under Dr TTIT Project Expo 2024 held on 28 th May 2024.
  • An Industrial Visit to Deccan Hydraulics Pvt Ltd was arranged to the students of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering on 22 nd June 2024.  Wherein, around 45 students witnessed the visit.
  • An Industrial Visit to Tata Aerospace Technology Hub – Govt ITI was arranged to the students of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering on 12 th June 2024.  Wherein, around 40 students witnessed the visit.
 Academic Year : 2022 - 23
  1. Mr. Ajay Kumar K, has completed NPTEL Online Certification Courses in
    • Energy Conversation and waste heat recovery
    • Power Plant Engineering
    • Selection of Nanomaterials for Energy Harvesting and Storage Applications
    • Computer Integrated Manufacturing
    • Cell Biology: Cellular organization, Division and Processes.
    • Python for Data Science
    • Viscous Fluid Flow
  2. Mr. Gopinath, Mr. Hemanth Kumar, Mrs. Sushmitha has won a best model project titled Exercising Water Pump under Innovation Contest Condueted by IIC – Dr TTIT.
  3. Mr. Ajith M has received second prize in ISF Congress Celebrations conducted by the IETE on 17 th September 2022.
  4. Mr. Girish Gautham has completed the 10 weeks Virtual Internship on Cybersecurity Virtual Internship from December to February 2022 organized by AICTE in collaboration with Eduskills.
  5. Mr. Karthikeyan V, 2018-22 Batch Student has secured 4 th Rank with 9.43 CGPA under VTU.
  6. Mr. Mushahid, 2018-22 Batch Student has qualified in GATE 2023 with a score of 304 and all india rank of 881.
  7. Mr. Árvind A, Student of 3 rd Semester participated in the sustainability hackathon challenge – Bootcamp organized by EDII and Anna University, Chennai on 29/03/2023.
  8. Mr. Ajay Kumar K, Student of 8 th Semester participated in National Level Quiz on Scientific Foundations of Health – 1 conducted by Dr TTIT on 9 th May 2023.
  9. Mr. Frank Paul Edison, Mr. Vishnu Raj, Mr. Rohit, Mr. Shylesh, Mr. Prashanth, Students of 4 th Semester Donated a Blood Under NSS Activity on 16 th June 2023 organized by Dr TTIT.
  10. Mr. Ajay Kumar K, Mr. Praveen R R, Mr. Kevin Mathew, Mr. Yuvaraj S, Mrs. Anitha Devi S H, has received a 1 st Prize in Project Expo 2023 held on 20 th May 2023 organized by IIC – Dr TTIT.
  11. Dr. Madeva Nagaral, Manager, ARDC, HAL-Bangalore has delivered an expert talk on Product Design & Development in an Aerospace Domain for all Mechanical & Electrical Engg students on 28th October 2022 organized under The Institution of Engineers – Kolar Local Centre.
  12. Mr. Sathyavrath N, Diamler Trucks Innovation Centre India – Bangalore has delivered an expert talk on Automotive Product Development – a holistic approach for 5th & 7th semester mechanical & electrical engineering students on 15th November 2022 organized under The Institution of Engineers – Kolar Local Centre.
  13. An Engineers Day was celebrated on September 15th 2022 under the Institution of Engineers at Dr T Thimmaiah Institute of Technology – Kolar Local Centre.
  14. Royal Charter Day was celebrated on September 09th 2022 under the Institution of Engineers affiliate to Dr T Thimmaiah Institute of Technology – Kolar Local Centre.
  15. Yoga & Meditation Session was conducted for First Year Students on 03rd December 2022 at Student Centre, Dr T Thimmaiah Institute of Technology conducted under the The Institution of Engineers – Kolar Local Centre with an experts from The Art of Living.
  16. Mr. Nageshwaran B – Dr TTIT Alumni, Diamler Trucks Innovation Centre India – Bangalore has delivered an expert talk on Overview on Indian Automotive Industry for 5th & 7th semester mechanical & electrical engineering students on 28th December 2022 organized under The Institution of Engineers – Kolar Local Centre.
  17. Dr. Hariharan Chandrashekar, Trustee – AltTech Foundation – Hyderabad has delivered an expert talk on Foundation Green for all stream and various institution engineering students on 16th January 2023 organized under The Institution of Engineers – Kolar Local Centre.
  18. Dr. Bharat M, Asst Prof – Dr TTIT KGF has delivered an expert talk on Problem Solution Fit and Product Market Fit for all stream engineering students on 23th January 2023 organized under The Institution of Engineers – Kolar Local Centre & IIC.
  19. Dr Bhargava H R, Associate Professor – Garden City University, Bangalore has delivered a technical talk on “Process of Innovation Development & Technological Readiness Level” to Mechanical & Electtrical Engg Students on 21/02/2023 conducted under Dr TTIT IEI Kolar Local Centre and IIC.
  20. Dr Kiran Kumar N, Assistant Professor – Vemana Insitute of Technology, Bangalore has delivered a technical talk on “Human Values, Life Ethics and Technology” to Mechanical & Electtrical Engg Students on 06th July 2023 conducted under Dr TTIT IEI Kolar Local Centre and IIC, Alumni Association.
  21. Mr. Md Azar Hussain & Mr. Vijay Kumar, Experts from Indoskill (Aqmenz Automation Pvt Ltd) handled a three days skill development course on Deep Drive into Python Libraries with Application Projects for our 4th Semester Mechanical, Electronics, Electrical Engineering Students from 20th to 22nd July 2023 under the aegis of IEI, IETE, IIC, IQAC in student centre. Wherein, around 110 Students have made active participation and provided valuable feedback.
  22. An Industrial Visit to Deccan Hydraulics Pvt Ltd was arranged to the students of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering on 12th August 2023. Wherein, around 55 students witnessed the visit.
 Academic Year : 2021 - 22
  • Workshop Conducted: Workshop was conducted on “Python Programming for Real-time Industrial Applications” for all Non-IT students from 28.12.21 to 30.12.21 by Indoskill, Bangalore.
  • A visit to Deccan Hydraulics was provided to our students of 3rd and 5th Semester on 11.12.21.
  • A visit to Apollo Tri-coat Tubes Pvt Ltd - Malur was provided to our students of 4th and 8th Semester on 21.06.22.
  • Mr. Ajay Kumar K, Student of 6th Semester has cleared 4 NPTEL Courses and credited with a Star Award.
  • Mr. Praveen V, Student of 4th Semester has won First Place in Business Plan Competition organized by Institution Innovation Council, Dr TTIT.
  • Mr. Roshan U, Student of 8h Semester has qualified GATE 2022 with rank score of 9913 and got admitted to IIT Ropar, Rajasthan.
  • Mr. Nidish, Mr. Manivasagathian, Mr. Naresh dev has received a best project award in Project Expo 2022 organized by IIC – Dr TTIT.
  • Few of our 8th Semester Students got placed in Toyota Kirloskar – Bangalore, July 2022.
  • Mr. Mohan V S, CEO of Indoskill has delivered an expert talk on Top 10 Job Skills for Future for all Non-IT branch students in the month of October 2021.
  • Mr. Vinod R J, Director (Global Sales) of Indus USA Inc has delivered an expert talk on Essential Design and Entrepreneurship Skills to build your career to International Standards for 5th & 7th semester students in the month of October 2021.
  • Mr. Prasanna Kumar V, Associate Director – IT of Merck has delivered an expert talk on Demand & Supply Network for 6th & 8th Semester Students in the month of April 2022.
  • Mr. Lakshmish Bhat, Senior Manager of Continental Automotives Pvt Ltd has delivered an expert talk on SQM for 6th & 8th Semester Students in the month of April 2022.
 Academic Year : 2018 -19
Sl No. University Serial Number Name of the Student Event
11GV16ME024S PradeepPresentation a technical paper on " Radial Continuously variable Transmission" and secured First place in Inter-Collegiate Technical Fest 2019, held at Dr. TTIT - KGF on 14th March 2019.
21GV16ME048Vinay K S Participated in Training Programme on JISHU HOZEN and Total Productive Maintenance from 21st Jan to 01st Feb 2019 at NTTF, Peenya campus - Bangalore.
31GV16ME024S PradeepParticipated in Workshop on Recent Advances in Reliability Engineering and Maintenance Management (RAREMM - 2018) held during 1st to 3rd Nov 2018 at NIT Surathkal - Karnataka
41GV15ME010Divagar PParticipated in Four days Hands on workshop on Industrial Automation from 22nd to 25th Oct 2018, at Dr. TTIT - KGF.
1GV15ME011Eric Francis E V
1GV15ME013Govind T S
1GV15ME015Immanuel N
1GV15ME016Jai Ashwin Kumar B
1GV15ME017Keerthana N
1GV15ME022Naresh B C
1GV15ME024Pavan V
1GV15ME025Rajendra T
1GV15ME028Ravindher G
1GV15ME031H Sangdina
1GV15ME034Sarath Kumar M
1GV15ME035Shalini S
1GV15ME037Shree Ranga B
1GV15ME038Somure Akash
1GV15ME039Supriya C
1GV15ME040Surendar P
1GV15ME041Vadivelu M
1GV16ME413Madhan Kumar N
1GV16ME414Mohan Kumar J R
1GV16ME416Nandini S Y
1GV16ME418Nida Tabbassum A
1GV16ME421Pavan A Joshi
1GV16ME430Shantharaj Guthal B
1GV16ME434Venu K
1GV14ME002Agilesh Athithya S
1GV14ME033Rahul Kumar
1GV13ME094J Keerthy Sharanya
1GV16ME003Arbin Taj S
1GV16ME006Charan Y B
1GV16ME007B S Chetan Srivatsa
1GV16ME008Dinesh S
1GV16ME012Karthick C
1GV16ME015Madhu M
1GV16ME024S Pradeep
1GV16ME030Rishi Bhat
1GV16ME031Roopendra R
1GV16ME038Shiva Kumar K G
1GV16ME039Shyamili P M
1GV16ME040Sumanth G
1GV16ME042Swetha P
1GV16ME046Venugopal A
1GV16ME047Vinay G
1GV16ME048Vinay K S
1GV17ME401Chitra V
1GV17ME402Gyanendra Reddy G
1GV17ME404Mohammed Naseer N
1GV17ME406Naveen Reddy M
1GV17ME409Salauddin D
1GV17ME412Waseem Ahmed
1GV17ME432Shiva Kumar G
1GV16ME410Jagadish P
1GV15ME005Anand S
1GV15ME009Clement Jeremiah A
1GV15ME044V Sheresha
1GV14ME042Shankarappa A
1GV13ME095Krishna Prasad G N
1GV12ME057Indudhar N S
Sl No.University Serial NumberName of the StudentEvent
11GV14ME033Rahul Kumar Participated in Inter-Collegiate Climate Change Quiz 2017, organised by Divecha Centre for Climate Change, IISc - Bangalore, on Sep 14th 2017.
1GV16ME024S Pradeep
21GV16ME024S PradeepPresentation a Paper on "Strengthening the Efficiency of Aircraft by harvesting the Air" in Mechnovate 18, organised by American Society of Mechanical Engineers, VIT University - Vellore, from 22nd to 25th March 2018
31GV16ME024S PradeepSecured First Place in the Paper presentation held at Inter-Collegiate Technical Fest 2018, Dr. TTIT - KGF.
41GV15ME404Mangesh SSecured Third Place in Solid Modeling held at Inter-Collegiate Technical Fest 2018, Dr. TTIT - KGF.
51GV15ME013Govind T SParticipated in Advanced Training Programme on Energy Conservation & Management held at CII - Godrej GBC - Bangalore on 22nd & 23rd March 2018.
Sl No.University Serial NumberName of the StudentEvent
11GV14ME038Sagar RParticipated in Technical Quiz, held at Inter-Collegiate Technical Fest 2016-17, Dr. TTIT - KGF.
1GV13ME040Naresh K S
21GV14ME400Alex Christopher DSecured Second Place in Tech Dumb Charades , held at Inter-Collegiate Technical Fest 2016-17, Dr. TTIT - KGF.
1GV15ME401Diwakar I
31GV14ME038Sagar RParticipated in Tech Dumb Charades , held at Inter-Collegiate Technical Fest 2016-17, Dr. TTIT - KGF.
1GV11ME006Balaji G
41GV13ME040Naresh K SParticipated in Paper Presentation, held at Inter-Collegiate Technical Fest 2016-17, Dr. TTIT - KGF.
1GV14ME001Abhishek Gowda
51GV15ME011Eric FrancisPresented a paper entitled E-learning in the One day District level Seminar on One world different Perspectives, organised by Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College - KGF, on Mar 7th 2017.
1GV13ME094Keerthy Saranya J
1GV15ME044Sheresha V
61GV14ME006Arun K A Autodesk Fusion 360 Event conducted on 4th & 25th April 2016 & Exam was conducted to Final year students on Jan 31st 2017 along with other college students.
1GV14ME026Mohammed Iliyas
1GV14ME032Raghavendra A
1GV15ME404Mangesh S
1GV15ME414Sanjay M
Sl No.University Serial NumberName of the StudentEvent
11GV13ME003Akshay RParticipated in One Day workshop on Digital Manufacturing using 3D PRINTER, conducted by CADD Centre Bangalore on Oct 9th 2015
1GV13ME013Deepak N
1GV13ME019Gokul R S
1GV13ME028Kishore Kumar R
1GV13ME074Dileep M
1GV12ME001Akash Bagali
1GV12ME017Jagadish V R
1GV11ME014Hari Krishna
1GV14ME046Shivaraj Kumar S
1GV14ME059Amathul Umal Qair
1GV15ME401Dhiwakar I
1GV15ME404Mangesh S
1GV15ME418Titus Christ
21GV14ME400Alex Christopher DCoordinated Solid Modeling Event, held at Intercollegiate Techno Rush 2015-16, Dr. TTIT - KGF.
31GV15ME401Dhiwakar I Secured First Place in Tech Dumb Charades, held at Intercollegiate Techno Rush 2015-16, Dr. TTIT - KGF.
41GV14ME006Arun K A Participated in Autodesk Fusion 360 Event conducted on 4th & 25th April 2016, at Dr. TTIT - KGF.
1GV14ME026Mohammed Iliyas
1GV14ME032Raghavendra A
1GV15ME404Mangesh S
1GV15ME414Sanjay M
1GV13ME010Bablu Kumar
1GV13ME016G Princi Priya Dharshini
1GV13ME018Gerald Manova
1GV13ME020Harry Rozario
1GV13ME032Mamatha S
1GV13ME039N Mohanambika
1GV13ME046Poojavaishnavi R
1GV13ME080Sendhu T
1GV12ME007Basavaraj N Sankanal
1GV12ME015G Varun
1GV12ME016Gundappa H T
1GV12ME026Mohd. Jabir
1GV12ME033Praveen D
1GV12ME040Sagar S
1GV12ME042Samujee J
1GV12ME044Shiva Kumar M
1GV13ME404Asharani V
1GV13ME407Manova Abraham A
1GV13ME408Naresh L
1GV13ME419Priya M
1GV13ME422Saral S
1GV13ME426Sowndarya M
1GV13ME427Srikanth K
  Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Lab / Modelling & Analysis (FEA) Lab / Computer Aided Machine Drawing (CAMD) Lab
  • Ansys v14 - 25 Users Licenced
  • Edgecam - 15 Users Licenced
  • Autodesk Fusion 360 - Student Version
  • Intel i7 processor, 64-bit, 16 GB Ram, 512 SSD Hard Disk, 4 GB NVIDIA Graphics card, Windows 11 Pro - 36 Nos
  • LCD projector (BENQ) – 01 No.

Staff Incharge: Sri. H V Madan Gopal
Faculty Incharge: Dr. Mohan Kumar K
  Computer Aided Engineering Drawing Lab
  1. Solid Edge V18 - 60 Users
  2. Intel i7 processor, 64-bit, 500 GB Hard disk, 4 GB Ram - 29 Nos
  3. Intel i5 Processor, 64 -bit, 1TB Hard disk, 8GB Ram, 2GB Graphics Card - 07 Nos

Staff Incharge : Sri. H V Giri
Faculty Incharge: Dr. Mohan Kumar K
  Material Testing Lab
Equipments / Machines
  1. Rock well cum Brinell Hardness test - 2 Nos
  2. Vickers Hardness test
  3. Impact testing machine (Izod & Charpy) - 2 Nos
  4. Wear Tester (Pin on Disc)
  5. Torsion Testing Machine
  6. Universal Testing Machine (40 Tons)
  7. Metallographic Inverted Microscope

Foreman : Sri. T D Govindappa
Faculty Incharge: Prof. Sagar S
  Mechanical Measurement & Metrology Lab
  1. Pressure gauge apparatus
  2. Thermocouple apparatus
  3. LVDT apparatus
  4. Load cell apparatus
  5. Strain Gauge apparatus
  6. Tool makers microscope
  7. Sine bar & Bevel protractor
  8. Autocollimator apparatus
  9. Gear tooth Vernier Calliper
  10. Slip Gauges &Micrometre
  11. 2-wire/3-wire Thread measurement system
  12. Vernier Height Gauge
  13. Bore Gauge
  14. Profile Projector

Staff Incharge : Sri. Kumar P
Faculty Incharge: Mr. Srinivas A
  Foundry & Forging Lab
  1. Universal Sand Testing Machine
  2. Permeability Tester
  3. Sieve shaker
  4. Clay content tester
  5. Moisture content test, Mould hardness tester & Core hardness tester
  6. Foundry Tools & Accessories Ex: Moulding boxes, Moulding and core sand, wooden patterns etc.
  7. Forging Tools & Accessories Ex: Anvils, Furnaces, Tongs, Sledge hammers etc.

Staff Incharge : Sri. Andrew S
Faculty Incharge: Dr. Manjunatha Babu N S
  Machine Shop
  1. Lathe Machines (Y2K) - 05 Nos
  2. Lathe Machines (World Class) - 05 Nos
  3. Milling Machine (Suraj) - 01 No
  4. Milling Machine (HMT) - 01 No
  5. Milling Machine (Bharath) - 01 No
  6. Shaping Machine (RAMCO) - 01 No.
  7. Shaping Machine (Winner) - 01 No.
  8. Grinding Machine - Heavy Duty - 01 No
  9. Bench Grinding Machine - 01 No.
  10. Power Hacksaw (Mysore Kirloskar) - 01 No.
  11. Hand Tools Ex: V-Block, Marking Gauge, Files, Hack saw, Drill bits, Single point cutting tools (HSS, Carbide)

Staff Incharge : Sri. Janarthanan S
Faculty Incharge: Prof. Purnesh
  Fluid Mechanics & Machinery Lab
  1. Impact of Jet Apparatus
  2. Flow measuring Devices (Orifice meter, Venturi meter, V / Rectangular Notch)
  3. Hydraulic Turbine Apparatus (Pelton Wheel, Francis Turbine, Kaplan Turbine)
  4. Hydraulic Pumps (Centrifugal Pump, Reciprocating pump)
  5. Two Stage Reciprocation Air Compressor Test Rig
  6. Centrifugal Air Blower
  7. Pipe Friction Apparatus

Staff Incharge : Sri. T D Govindappa
Faculty Incharge: Prof. Saravana Prasad. R
  Energy Lab
  1. Flash &Fire Point Apparatus
  2. Boys gas calorimeter
  3. Redwood & Saybolt viscometer
  4. Planimeter
  5. Four stroke Diesel Engine (Single cylinder)
  6. Four stroke Diesel Engine (Multi cylinder)
  7. Four stroke Petrol Engine (Multi cylinder)
  8. Two stroke Petrol Engine
  9. Variable Compression Ratio I.C. Engine

Staff Incharge : Sri. Janarthanan S
Faculty Incharge: Prof. Anitha Devi S H
  Heat Transfer Lab
  1. Thermal Conductivity of Metal Rod Apparatus
  2. Heat Transfers Coefficient Composite Wall Apparatus
  3. Heat Transfer through Fin Pin Apparatus (Forced & Natural Convection)
  4. Heat Transfer through Natural convection
  5. Heat Transfer through Forced Convection Apparatus
  6. Emissivity Measurement Apparatus
  7. Stefan Boltzmann Apparatus
  8. Heat Exchange Apparatus (Parallel and Counter flow)
  9. Drop and Film Condensation Apparatus
  10. Vapour Compression refrigeration Test rig
  11. Unsteady state apparatus
  12. Air conditioning Apparatus

Staff Incharge : Sri. Janarthanan.S
Faculty Incharge: Dr. Sampath A
  Design Lab
  1. Universal Vibration Apparatus (Spring Mass/ Single & Double Rotor/ Simple & Compound Pendulum)
  2. Whirling of Shaft apparatus
  3. Universal Governor apparatus - Porter & Hartnell Governor
  4. Journal bearing apparatus
  5. Strain Gauge Apparatus
  6. Strain Rosette
  7. Gyroscope apparatus
  8. Photoelasticity
  9. Curved beam apparatus
  10. Balancing of Rotating Masses apparatus

Staff Incharge : Sri. Kumar P
Faculty Incharge: Dr. Manjunatha Babu N S
  Bio-Fuel Research, information & Demonstration Centre (BRIDC)
  1. Bio-Diesel unit (50 ltr per batch capacity)
  2. Seed Decorticator (30 to 40 kg per hour)
  3. Oil Extraction unit (15 -20 Kg per hour)
  4. Laboratory set
  5. Bio-Diesel Testing equipment (Viscometer, flash point apparatus etc)
  6. Accessories, tools and tackles.

Staff Incharge : Mrs. Jyothy
Faculty Incharge: Mr. Srinivas A
  Project Lab
The following are the facilities available in the project laboratory to carry out UG projects & Research
  1. Computer systems – 05 Nos
  2. Internet facility.
  3. E- journal access.
  4. Software – Solid Edge, Ansys v14, EdgeCAM, AutoDesk Fusion 360
  5. Project models.
  Additional Facilities

3-D Printing Machine
Industrial grade 3D printer (300 x 300 x 300 mm

Universal Testing Machine
(100 Tons capacity)

Electric Furnace
Bottom pouring, resistance type, aluminium melting furnace.

Dept Placement

Sl NoUSN Student NameEmployer Details
1 1GV20ME004 Jayasoorya M NTT Data Services, Bangalore
2 1GV20ME006 Madhan P ASBA Industrial Gases & Equipments, Bangalore
3 1GV20ME007 Mario Luke Thomas Deccan Hydraulics Pvt Ltd, Bangarapet
4 1GV20ME011 Srikanth K N Deccan Hydraulics Pvt Ltd, Bangarapet
5 1GV21ME400 Abhishek S Deccan Hydraulics Pvt Ltd, Bangarapet
6 1GV21ME403 Girish Gowtham K Deccan Hydraulics Pvt Ltd, Bangarapet
7 1GV21ME411 Surya M OPT Machine Vision, Bangalore
8 1GV21ME408 Sanjay P Apex Luminaires Pvt Ltd, Malur
9 1GV21ME413 Winberg ASMI Control Systems, Bangalore
10 1GV21ME404 Kishore H Deccan Hydraulics Pvt Ltd, Bangarapet
11 1GV21ME402 Badrinath R Deccan Hydraulics Pvt Ltd, Bangarapet
12 1GV20ME013 Varun Kumar A V Deccan Hydraulics Pvt Ltd, Bangarapet

Sl NoUSN Student NameEmployer Details
1 1GV19ME007 Brindha R Tata Electronics Systems Solutions, Narasapura
2 1GV19ME009 Gopinath M Tata Electronics Systems Solutions, Narasapura
3 1GV19ME010 Hemanth Kumar N Tata Electronics Systems Solutions, Narasapura
4 1GV19ME011 Jaikaran J SP Digital Automation, Kolar
5 1GV19ME013 Keerthana B Trane Technologies, Bangalore
6 1GV19ME015 Mamatha G J Accenture, Bangalore
7 1GV19ME019 Naveen Kumar G GAT, Beml - KGF
8 1GV19ME021 Pavan Kalyan N SP Digital Automation, Kolar
9 1GV19ME024 Sharan S GAT, Beml - KGF
10 1GV19ME025 Shashidhar D Tata Electronics Systems Solutions, Narasapura
11 1GV19ME027 Supriya S Tata Electronics Systems Solutions, Narasapura
12 1GV19ME030 Vishal M D Yantra Live Part Tech., Bangalore
13 1GV20ME400 Harish Kumar K GAT, Beml - KGF
14 1GV20ME402 Madhu K Foxconn Hon Hai Tech, Bangalore
15 1GV20ME403 Malashree C GAT, Beml - KGF
16 1GV20ME405 Naresh Kumar S Tata Electronics Systems Solutions, Narasapura
17 1GV20ME406 Prasanna Kumar B ITPL Startech, Bangalore
18 1GV20ME408 Raj Khanna R BEE GEE Facility Services, Bangalore
19 1GV20ME410 Sachidanandan M CSIR NAL, Bangalore
20 1GV20ME411 Sanjay Kumar V Accenture, Bangalore
21 1GV20ME413 Shwetha G Mercedes Benz, Bangalore
22 1GV20ME414 Abhishek Kumaran S Tejas Automobiles & Services, Bangalore
23 1GV18ME003 Ajith M Tata Electronics Systems Solutions, Narasapura
24 1GV18ME013 Raghavendra M Calpion, Bangalore
25 1GV18ME021 Vidhya Sagar Creative Infotech, Bangalore
26 1GV18ME025 Bhavyasree G InteliZIGN, Bangalore
27 1GV19ME002 Arfath Baig Apex Luminaires Pvt Ltd, Malur

Sl NoUSN Student NameEmployer Details
1 1GV18ME002 Ajay P Symphony AI
2 1GV18ME006 Daniel Mervyn F MRF, Pondicherry
3 1GV18ME008 Harshajith I ASK Automotive Ltd, Narasapura
4 1GV18ME017 Sachin L Rathod Toyotetsu India Auto Parts Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
5 1GV19ME401 Abinash S Axis Cades, Bangalore
6 1GV19ME407 Gritto A JCBL, Bangalore
7 1GV19ME409 Hemavathy V SEG Automotive, Bangalore
8 1GV19ME410 Indra Kumar S Wistron infocomm Manufacturing, Narasapura
9 1GV19ME411 Israel Smart Ennovations, Bangalore
10 1GV19ME414 Karthick K Project Assistant, NAL, Bangalore
11 1GV19ME415 Karthikeyan V Hussmann Services, Bangalore
12 1GV19ME418 Mohamed Maaz K Tata Electronics Systems Solutions, Narasapura
13 1GV19ME419 Prakash R Volvo Buses, Hoskote
14 1GV19ME420 Prem M Creative Syneregies Group
15 1GV19ME425 Renald Vishwa A Schaeffler, Bangalore
16 1GV19ME426 Sanjay Kumar K Spoorthy Integrated Solutions Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
17 1GV19ME428 Sudharshan S Tata Electronics Systems
18 1GV19ME429 Sujith V Health Vectors, Bangalore
19 1GV19ME430 Thousif Pasha F Calpion Software Technology Pvt Ltd
20 1GV19ME431 Vinay V Smart Ennovations, Bangalore

SlnoNameDepartmentCompanyPackage (CTC in LPA)StatusBatch
1NIKIL CMECHTechnologics Gobal Pvt Ltd2 -3.4 LPAOffered2021
2HARIS JAMIL MECHInfosys 3.6 LPAOffered2021
3SUREKHA.PMECHCapgemini3 LPAOffered2021
4AKSHAYMECHElcamino Software Pvt Ltd2.2 LPAOffered2021
5PRADYUMMA HMECHElcamino Software Pvt Ltd2.2 LPAOffered2021
6ABHISHEK KUMAR SHARMA MMECHElcamino Software Pvt Ltd2.2 LPAOffered2021
7BHARGAVA SHAILESH JPMECHElcamino Software Pvt Ltd2.2 LPAOffered2021
8ARAVINDAN M RMECHElcamino Software Pvt Ltd2.2 LPAOffered2021
9AKSHAY SMECHElcamino Software Pvt Ltd2.2 LPAOffered2021
10NIKHIL CMECHElcamino Software Pvt Ltd2.2 LPAOffered2021
11PRADYUMMA HMECHElcamino Software Pvt Ltd2.2 LPAOffered2021
12SABAHAT FATHIMA MECHSeventh Sense 2.5 LPAOffered2021
18SABAHAT FATHIMA MECHBlack Space Research and Development2 LPAAwaiting2021
19ADNAN SMMECHAmazon3 LPAOffered2021

SlnoNameDepartmentCompanyPackage (CTC in LPA)StatusBatch
1ARBIN TAJ SMECHIndustry Era1.8 LPAOffered2020
2CHARAN Y B MECHAccenture3LPAOffered2020
3CHETAN SRIVATSA MECHVarroc Polymer Pvt Ltd2.4LPAOffered2020
4CLEMENT JEREMIAH AMECHIndustry Era1.8 LPAOffered2020
5INDUDHAR NSMECHVerizon Data Services 8.2 LPAOffered2020
6PRADEEP SMECHWistron1.5 LPAOffered2020
8ROOPENDRA RMECHTEK Systems3.2 LPAOffered2020
9SHERESHA VMECHIndustry Era1.8 LPAOffered2020
10SUMANTH GMECHAttra Infotech Pvt. Ltd.3.8 LPAOffered2020
11SWETHA PMECHAccenture3LPAOffered2020
12VENU GOPAL A MECHtriSys3.8LPAOffered2020

SlnoNameDepartmentCompanyPackage (CTC in LPA)StatusBatch
1DEEPAK RMECHWistron (ICT Service Management Solutions)2.5Offered2019
2KEERTHYSHARANYAMECHWistron (ICT Service Management Solutions)2.5Offered2019
3SUPRIYA CMECHWistron (ICT Service Management Solutions)2.5Offered2019
4AKSHAY RMECHWistron (ICT Service Management Solutions)2.5Offered2019
5DIVAGAR PMECHWistron (ICT Service Management Solutions)2.5Offered2019
8SANGDINA HMECHPinClick4Offered2019
9ERIC FRANCIS E.V.MECHWistron (ICT Service Management Solutions)2.5Offered2019
10AKSHAY MMECHCapgemini 3.2 LPAOffered2019
12SHREERANGA BMECHWistron (ICT Service Management Solutions)2.5Offered2019
13DIWAKARMECHTechnologics Gobal Pvt. Ltd1.2 LPAOffered2019
14JAI ASHWIN KUMAR BMECHWestline Shipping Company10 LPAOffered2019
16NARESH BCMECH5 PaisaOffered2019
17PAVAN VMECHWistron2.5Offered2019
18RAHULMECHWestline Shipping Company10 LPAOffered2019
19SARATH KUMAR MMECHWestline Shipping Company10 LPAOffered2019
20SHREERANGA BMECHWestline Shipping Company10 LPAOffered2019
21SURENDAR PMECHWistron 2.5 LPAOffered2019
22VADIVELU MMECHWestline Shipping Company10 LPAOffered2019

SlnoNameDepartmentCompanyPackage (CTC in LPA)StatusBatch
1AKHIL RAJMECHSuper Auto Forge1.2 LPAOffered2018
2ARUN K AMECHCADD Center, Banglaore1.2 LPAOffered2018
4CHARAN VMECHSuper Auto Forge1.2 LPAOffered2018
5DHIVAKARMECHSuper Auto Forge1.2 LPAOffered2018
6ABISHEK GMECHPanacea Medcial Technologies Pvt. Ltd2.5Offered2018
7DINESH KMECHCADD Center, Banglaore1.2 LPAOffered2018
8DINESH SMECHSuper Auto Forge1.2 LPAOffered2018
9BALAJI GOWDAMECHSL Lumax1.18Offered2018
10MOHAMED LLIYAS MMECHWistron2.5 LPAOffered2018
11PREM KUMAR VMECHSuper Auto Forge1.2 LPAOffered2018
12PREMA AMECHCADD Center, Banglaore1.2 LPAOffered2018
13PRIYADARSHINI PMECHSuper Auto Forge1.2 LPAOffered2018
15SAGAR RMECHCADD Center, Banglaore1.2 LPAOffered2018
16SAYED MD SADIQMECHHajee A R Bava & Company1.8 LPAOffered2018
17SHIVARAJ KUMAR SMECHSuper Auto Forge1.2 LPAOffered2018

Sl. No. University Serial No. Name of the Student Employer Details ON/OFF Campus
1 1GV14ME001ABHISHEK G Panacea Medical Tech. Pvt Ltd - Bengaluru OFF
2 1GV14ME003AJITH H L Recaero India Pvt Ltd - Bengaluru OFF
3 1GV14ME006ARUN K A CADD Centre - Bangarapet ON
4 1GV14ME010CHARAN V IBM Technologies - Bengaluru OFF
5 1GV14ME012CHRISTOPHER D A M.Tech under VTU - Belagavi
6 1GV14ME015DINESH . K CADD Centre - Bangarapet ON
7 1GV14ME022JOB.K.P Super Auto forge - Chennai ON
8 1GV14ME026MOHAMED ILIYAS M Concentrix - Bengaluru OFF
9 1GV14ME030PREM KUMAR V Super Auto forge - Chennai ON
10 1GV14ME037RITHESH S Apprenticeship at NAL - Bengaluru OFF
11 1GV14ME038SAAGAR. R CADD Centre - Bangarapet ON
12 1GV14ME041SAYED MD SADIQ Shree cements ltd - Bengaluru OFF
13 1GV14ME047SHILPA .K.S Sharp Tech Pvt Ltd - Kerala OFF
14 1GV14ME048SIVA KUMAR .R Apprenticeship at BEML-KGF OFF
15 1GV14ME053VARSHITHA. U Mitsubishi Electric Pvt ltd - Vemgal OFF
16 1GV14ME059AMATHUL UMAL QAIR HVolvo India Pvt ltd - Bengaluru OFF
17 1GV14ME060ASHIK G Indo Auti Tech pvt ltd - Bengaluru OFF
18 1GV14ME061RAKESH A Dassault Systems - Tirupati OFF
19 1GV15ME401DHIVAKAR.I Indo Auto Tech - Bengaluru OFF
20 1GV15ME407NARMADHA.S CADD Centre - Bangarapet ON
21 1GV15ME410PREMA.A CADD Centre - Bangarapet ON
22 1GV15ME412PRIYA DARSHINI.P ACO Technology - Bengaluru OFF
23 1GV15ME413RADHA.A Apprenticeship at BEML-KGF OFF
24 1GV15ME414SANJAY.M Toyota India - Bengaluru OFF
25 1GV15ME416SURJEET KUMAR.V Apprenticeship at BEML-KGF OFF

Sl. No. University Serial No. Name of the Student Employer Details ON/OFF Campus
1 1GV13ME007ARJUN. B.U Stumpp Schuele Somappa Springs - Hassan OFF
2 1GV13ME008ASHWIN. J Apprenticeship at BEML-KGF OFF
3 1GV13ME009ASIF. B Apprenticeship at HAL- Bengaluru OFF
4 1GV13ME012BHAVANISHANKAR. R Apprenticeship at BEML-KGF OFF
6 1GV13ME018GERALD MANOVA. N Apprenticeship at BEML-KGF OFF
7 1GV13ME019GOKUL R. S Span ware pvt ltd - Bengaluru OFF
8 1GV13ME020HARRY ROZARIO High Power pvt ltd - Bengaluru OFF
9 1GV13ME021HITHESH. B M.Tech under VTU - Belagavi
10 1GV13ME025JOSHUA. J Pavan Polytechnic - Kolar OFF
11 1GV13ME028KISHOR KUMAR . R Lumax Pvt ltd - Bengaluru OFF
12 1GV13ME030LINGESH. S Apprenticeship at BEML-KGF OFF
13 1GV13ME033MARUTHI. K Quest Global - Bengaluru OFF
14 1GV13ME034MD. AREFF GPS Technocraft - Bengaluru OFF
15 1GV13ME035MICHAEL SIMON. S General Motors - Bengaluru OFF
16 1GV13ME036MOHAMMED ZAHEERUDDINStanzen Engg pvt Ltd -Bengaluru OFF
17 1GV13ME038MUZAMMIL AHMED Snehal AC & R Engg Pvt Ltd - Bengaluru OFF
18 1GV13ME047PRAVEENA BASAPPA CHALAGERIStumpp Schuele Somappa Springs - Hassan OFF
19 1GV13ME051SANDESH .K.S Motherson Sumi Electric Wires - Bengaluru OFF
20 1GV13ME052SANTHOSH. C Stanzen Engg Pvt ltd - Bengaluru OFF
21 1GV13ME053SANTHOSH KUMAR. R General Motors - Bengaluru OFF
22 1GV13ME055SHAVUR HUNOOR Siddeshwara Tech., - Belagavi OFF
23 1GV13ME056SHUBHAM KUMAR GUPTA Radheya Machine Ltd - Pune OFF
24 1GV13ME057SHYLESH. K Badve Engineering Ltd - Bengaluru OFF
25 1GV13ME064VARUN. P Capgemini Tech Service India Ltd - Bengaluru OFF
26 1GV13ME066VIGNESH.M General Motors - Bengaluru OFF
27 1GV13ME067VINAY KUMAR K.A AniCAD Systems - Bengaluru OFF
28 1GV13ME070VISHWANATH. T Toyoto Tsusho India Pvt Ltd - Gujarat OFF
29 1GV13ME078PRASOON MURTHY. N MBA under Bangalore University
30 1GV13ME081 DAVID PAUL. A Apprenticeship at BEML-KGF OFF
31 1GV13ME082 RAHUL AVINASH Deccan Hydraulics - Bangarapet OFF
32 1GV13ME083 MOURYA.S Utuanga Technologies - Bengaluru OFF
33 1GV14ME406JOTHI BASU.J Apprenticeship at BEML-KGF OFF
34 1GV14ME407KARTHICK .S Apprenticeship at BEML-KGF OFF
35 1GV14ME410PRAKASH. A Apprenticeship at BEML-KGF OFF
36 1GV14ME419AJAY .V Apprenticeship at BEL-Bengaluru OFF

Sl. No. University Serial No. Name of the Student Employer Details ON/OFF Campus
1 1GV12ME003ARUN KUMAR .V Tenneco - Bengaluru OFF
2 1GV12ME004ARVIND JANARDHAN CADD Centre - Bengaluru ON
3 1GV12ME006BASAPPA S ALBAL HYT Innovative Projects - Bengaluru OFF
5 1GV12ME010CHETAN MURTHY .S Premier Plasmo-Tech - Bengaluru OFF
6 1GV12ME015G. VARUN. Tenova Delkor- Bengaluru OFF
7 1GV12ME016GUNDAPPA.H.T Skanda Machine Tools - Bengaluru OFF
8 1GV12ME020KUMAR AKSHAY .P.S Capgemini - Bengaluru OFF
9 1GV12ME029NAVEEN KUMAR.E Skanda CNC - Bengaluru OFF
10 1GV12ME033PRAVEEN.D MS in California State University - Los Angeles OFF
11 1GV12ME038ROOPESH.K.S Yuken India Ltd - Bengaluru OFF
12 1GV12ME040SAGAR.S M.Tech under VTU - Belagavi
13 1GV12ME043SHARATH.R M.Tech under VTU - Belagavi
14 1GV12ME044SHIVA KUMAR.M M.Tech under VTU - Belagavi
15 1GV12ME048SYED JAVEED AHMED Tenova Delkor- Bengaluru OFF
16 1GV12ME053HARISH .C M.Tech under VTU - Belagavi
17 1GV13ME401AJAY KIRAN .A Contract Engg - HAL Bengaluru OFF
18 1GV13ME402AJITH KUMAR .S Solovision - Bengaluru OFF
19 1GV13ME403ALOYSIUS IMMANUEL .A Yuken India Ltd - Bengaluru OFF
20 1GV13ME404ASHARANI .V STS Titeflex - Bengaluru OFF
21 1GV13ME405DINESH KUMAR .R Yuhan Tech Co. Ltd - Kuwait OFF
22 1GV13ME407MONOVA ABRAHAM .A Lion Bridge Tech. - Bengaluru OFF
23 1GV13ME408NARESH .L Tenova Delkor- Bengaluru OFF
24 1GV13ME410NIRANJAN JOHN PAUL .A Yuken India Ltd - Bengaluru OFF
25 1GV13ME412PARMESHWAR REDDY Bill Forge Pvt Ltd - Bengaluru ON
26 1GV13ME415PRADEEP .V Alpha 9 Marine Solu - Bengaluru OFF
27 1GV13ME416 PRASANTH .A Tenova Delkor- Bengaluru OFF
28 1GV13ME418 PRAVEEN .M Yuken India Ltd - Bengaluru OFF
29 1GV13ME422 SARAL .S STS Titeflex - Bengaluru OFF
30 1GV13ME425 SHARATH KUMAR .P Entrepreneur -Bharathi Engg Works, Malur
Innovation in Teaching & Learning
Dept. Activities

1. Industrial Visit | Deccan Hydraulics

On August 12th, 2023, an industrial visit was organized for the 4th semester students of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical & Electronics Engineering to Deccan Hydraulics Pvt Ltd.

Approximately 50 students had the opportunity to participate in this enriching experience.

During the visit, the students were guided through different departments of the company, providing them with a firsthand exposure to practical aspects and real-world applications. This visit aimed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical implementation.

Dr. Manjunatha Babu N S, HoD, Mechanical Engineering and Prof. Subhashini S, Asst. Prof., EEE Coordinated.

5.Days Workshop on "Applications of Advanced IOT Towards Unleashing Job Opportunities

Seminar on "How to publish a research paper at UG Level"

Department of Civil,EEE & Mechanical Engineering Conducted One day Seminar on "How to Publish a Research Paper at UG Level" at Mechanical Seminar hall,Dr.TTIT on 16.10.2024 .Prof.Shashi Kumar V N ,Assistant Professor,Department of Civil Engineering ,Vemana Institute of Technology was the Session Speaker .
The session was highly informative and well-structured. It covered key aspects like topic selection, writing techniques, journal selection, and handling peer reviews. The presenter communicated effectively, and the Q&A session was helpful.

Prof.M.Maneela ,Department of Civil Engineering coordinated.

Lesson plan & Learning Resources
Mechanical Dept Lesson Plans Click Here
Mechanical Dept Learning Resources Click Here
Oorgaum, Kolar Gold Fields, Karnataka - 563120
(Affiliated to VTU, Belgaum, Approved by AICTE - New Delhi)
An ISO 21001 Certified Institute