Estd. 1986
Accredited by NBA & NAAC with 'A' Grade
Oorgaum, Kolar Gold Fields, Karnataka - 563120
Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
Approved by AICTE - New Delhi,
ISO 21001:2018 Certified
Department of Science & Humanities lays A strong foundation in building up the career of the student, to take-up all challenges and finish targets successfully. The department has experienced and talented faculties in the field of physics, chemistry and mathematics. The laboratories are well equipped to coach and train the students on fundamentals on science as well as their application in the technical field.

Vision & Mission
The Department of Science and Humanities is committed to inculcate competence and proficiency in the field of basic science, with professional ethics, critical and logical thinking.
  • To develop a strong scientific foundation through fundamental principles of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, to pursue a successful engineering carrier.
  • To transform students into dynamic, responsible and productive Professionals in their respective fields.
  • To integrate human values and social concerns with technical education.
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Sc.,M.Phil.,Ph.D
Specialization Number theory
Teaching Experience 20 Yrs
Industrial Experience NIL Research Experience 5
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals 5 Number of Workshops attended 22
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level NIL Number of Projects Guided at PG Level NIL
Number of Research Scholars guiding NIL Additional Responsibilties First-year NBA Co-ordinator, ECO-CLUB chairman, College Canteen convener, ISTE committee member, PAC-Member
Membership in Professional Bodies IAENG, IAAC Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Sc
Specialization Graph Theory
Teaching Experience 15 Yrs
Industrial Experience NIL Research Experience NIL
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals NIL Number of Workshops attended 11
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level NIL Number of Projects Guided at PG Level NIL
Number of Research Scholars guiding NIL Additional Responsibilties ISO-Coordinator,NAAC Criteria 7 coordinator, ECO Club convener,PAC committee member ,Women empowerment cell member
Membership in Professional Bodies 2 Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M. Sc., M. Phil., KSET
Specialization Graph Theory, , FEM
Teaching Experience 18 Yrs
Industrial Experience NIL Research Experience Nil
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals NIL Number of Workshops attended 5
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level NIL Number of Projects Guided at PG Level NIL
Number of Research Scholars guiding NIL Additional Responsibilties Admission Coordinator, Research coordinator
Membership in Professional Bodies IEANG, IAAC Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Sc
Specialization GRAPH THEORY
Teaching Experience 10 Months
Industrial Experience NIL Research Experience NIL
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals NIL Number of Workshops attended NIL
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level NIL Number of Projects Guided at PG Level NIL
Number of Research Scholars guiding NIL Additional Responsibilties NAAC Coordinator-criteria-7.2.1, First year ERC Coordinator, First year ERP Coordinator, Department time table Coordinator, First year EDC Coordinator, ICRTTEAS Committee member,IIC Coordinator, IPR Cell Committee member.
Membership in Professional Bodies Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Sc
Specialization Special Functions
Teaching Experience 1 Months
Industrial Experience NIL Research Experience NIL
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals NIL Number of Workshops attended NIL
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level NIL Number of Projects Guided at PG Level NIL
Number of Research Scholars guiding NIL Additional Responsibilties
Membership in Professional Bodies NIL Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Sc
Specialization Special Functions
Teaching Experience 6 Months
Industrial Experience NIL Research Experience NIL
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals NIL Number of Workshops attended NIL
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level NIL Number of Projects Guided at PG Level NIL
Number of Research Scholars guiding NIL Additional Responsibilties NAAC Coordinator-criteria-7.1.11, Department NBA Coordinator, First year NSS Coordinator, Social media cell- Coordinator
Membership in Professional Bodies Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Sc.,(Ph.D)
Teaching Experience 27 Yrs
Industrial Experience NIL Research Experience 3 Yrs
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals NIL Number of Workshops attended 16
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level NIL Number of Projects Guided at PG Level NIL
Number of Research Scholars guiding NIL Additional Responsibilties HOD, IQAC, NBA, NAAC, DAC & PAC
Membership in Professional Bodies NIL Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Sc.,M.Phil,B.Ed.
Specialization Material Science
Teaching Experience 11 Yrs
Industrial Experience NIL Research Experience 1 Yrs
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals NIL Number of Workshops attended 5
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level NIL Number of Projects Guided at PG Level NIL
Number of Research Scholars guiding NIL Additional Responsibilties SIP Convener, IQAC member, Department NBA coordinator,ECO club, Displinary committee,NAAC 2.3.2 crietria sub coordinator,women empowerment cell member,Pre exam coordinator,PAC committee member,
Membership in Professional Bodies ISTE Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Sc, B.Ed
Specialization Solid State Physics
Teaching Experience 22 Yrs
Industrial Experience NIL Research Experience NIL
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals NIL Number of Workshops attended 20
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level 0 Number of Projects Guided at PG Level NIL
Number of Research Scholars guiding NIL Additional Responsibilties NAAC coordinator-criteria-7, ERC - co-ordinator, erp co-ordinator, Yoga cell member, external guide
Membership in Professional Bodies NIL Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Sc.,B.Ed(Ph.D)
Teaching Experience 29 Yrs
Industrial Experience 1 Yr Research Experience 5 Yr
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals 1 Yr Number of Workshops attended 45
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level NIL Number of Projects Guided at PG Level NIL
Number of Research Scholars guiding NIL Additional Responsibilties Alumni association member, PAC&DAC member,OBC Cell member, Code of conduct committee member.
Membership in Professional Bodies IAAC Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Sc.,B.Ed.
Teaching Experience 14 Yrs
Industrial Experience NIL Research Experience NIL
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals NIL Number of Workshops attended 30
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level NIL Number of Projects Guided at PG Level NIL
Number of Research Scholars guiding NIL Additional Responsibilties NBA department coordinator, IQAC member,SIP Co-convenor, CICC comittee member, Disciplinary committee member, Cultural committee member ,NAAC 2.6.2 criteria sub coordinator.
Membership in Professional Bodies IAAC Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Sc.,B.Ed(Ph.D)
Specialization CHEMISTRY
Teaching Experience 12 Yrs
Industrial Experience NIL Research Experience NIL
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals NIL Number of Workshops attended 34
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level NIL Number of Projects Guided at PG Level NIL
Number of Research Scholars guiding NIL Additional Responsibilties ISO- coordinator ( deputy MR), NAAC criteria 7 coordinator , Women empowerment cell co- convener, PAC- convenor, Pre exam co ordinator.
Membership in Professional Bodies IAAC,SDIWC,IAENG Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID [email protected]
Qualification M.Sc.,B.Ed.
Specialization Bio-Technology
Teaching Experience 4 Yrs
Industrial Experience NIL Research Experience NIL
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals NIL Number of Workshops attended NIL
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level NIL Number of Projects Guided at PG Level NIL
Number of Research Scholars guiding NIL Additional Responsibilties
Membership in Professional Bodies NIL Google Scholar Link
drttit-Faculty Email ID
Qualification M.Sc
Specialization HISTORY
Teaching Experience 6 Yrs
Industrial Experience NIL Research Experience NIL
Number of Technical Papers Published in National / International Journals NIL Number of Workshops attended NIL
Number of Projects Guided at UG Level 0 Number of Projects Guided at PG Level
Number of Research Scholars guiding NIL Additional Responsibilties
Membership in Professional Bodies Google Scholar Link
Program Outcomes (PO)
Graduates will be able to:
  1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.




Academic Calendar

Physics Click to View
Chemistry Click to View
Dept. HOD
Miss Veena B

Designation : HOD
Email Id : [email protected]
Teaching Experience :17 Yrs




  Physics Lab
  1. Numerical Aperture
  2. Resonance Circuits
  3. Transistors
  4. Newton Rings
  5. Magnetic Field Intensity
  6. Fermi energy
  7. Photo Diode
  8. Di Electric Constant
  9. Laser
  10. Moment of Inertia
  Chemistry Lab
  1. Conductivity meter
  2. Potentiometer
  3. PH meter
  4. Colorimeter
  5. Ostwald Viscometer
  6. Electronic weighing balance
  7. Rough weighing balance
  8. Muffle furnace
  9. Glassware apparatus
  10. Hot air oven


Learning Resources
E-Content(QP) Science Dept
click to view


Department Activities

38th Student Induction Programme

Lesson plan & Learning Resources
Science Dept Lesson Plans Click Here
Science Dept Learning Resources Click Here
Oorgaum, Kolar Gold Fields, Karnataka - 563120
(Affiliated to VTU, Belgaum, Approved by AICTE - New Delhi)
An ISO 21001 Certified Institute